Monday, March 30, 2020

Spring Thaw Special

Whitetail Brand Dog Kibble
Now available in bulk, but for a limited time only !
All natural and pro-biotic !!
FREE !!!
Get yours now !!!!

Endorsed by Ms Winklestien and dogs everywhere.
Offer good only until the ants emerge.............

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Yes and No

The sky was full of geese this morning
and the fish did not bite
east to west they passed
flock upon flock

Friday, March 27, 2020

Number One

Scarcely any bare ground yet
and the ticks are out and about !!!
This one is less than 1mm
and appears to be rather plump
Not what I was expecting but not so surprising

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The Recession Begins

There is indeed a dock beneath that ice

November last it was about four inches above the lake's surface
but the lake level steadily rose through the fall
right into freeze up

Forty eight hours of continuous thaw
completely changes the look of this reality
solid to liquid
with but two degrees positively positioned 
leaving sixty odd inches of snowfall melted upon the ice

And then just at sunset
there is a burst of robins winging in from the west
small flocks
first a five
then a twenty
another five
and another
landing high in the big toothed aspens they pause
silently as if keenly scouting ahead for the 
all clear
from others ahead in their path
then hurtling off across the lake
cackling their fellows on

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Vernal Coronox

 The glacier that rides upon the barn roof begins its calving
as the forest trails turn to slippery mush
a new youngster learns to fetch
and the outside world shuts down
 Hunkered down and twisting a few walleye trinkets
methinks time stands still perhaps for the
city dweller who
marks the day by things other than
the sun's progress

 We will track the recession of snow and ice
emergence of moss and mud
advancing our treks farther into the lengthening evenings
soon to paddle, cast
and water retrieve