Friday, March 3, 2023

where does it go...



"No, I really am sorry" he said.

"I truly don't remember that

Any memories of that time and place

that happening

have all gone away back

far far back somewhere 

back to some place where the grey 

matter  dissolves to ether.............."

Monday, February 27, 2023



There were crows in the jackpine tops this morning

yelling their presence for anyone to hear 

There were other crows higher up racing

down the frozen wind

The little live trapped mouse scampered across the snow and then onto a spruce bough

after it's release

product of an age softened heart

I yelled back at the crows and they fled

and a rough-legged hawk pushing eagle size

Soared in expanding circles higher above the whole of the thing

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Mid duck season.....

 October 28, 2021


A few thoughts on the current duck season

1) So far I have hunted once - opening day from 5:30 pm till sunset. No shots but more wood ducks that I may have ever seen at the refuge. Few hunters

2) Duck reports are either bad or appear to be lies. Reality here is that there are really no ducks to be found (my snobbishness, in that I don't kill Wood ducks)

3) Weekly scouting of refuge since opener has been the same each week. No ducks, a few swans and a few giant honkers. Both open and closed areas have no ducks. no coots either.

4) Usually at this point in time, even in poor years there a fair number (some hundreds to a few thousand) of ducks in the rice and/or rafting on the big water with a mix of divers and mallards. As of today, there are virtually no ducks or coots. One can also tell from the number of hunting parties and the number of eagles that there are no birds around. One party hunting on the whole of the open portion of the refuge and a total of four eagles. The bird watching count was dismal.


1 blue jay

2 unidentified song birds

3 gulls

6 grebes

10 mallards

6 unidentified diver ducks

43 trumpeter swans

1 marsh hawk

4 eagles

6 crows

2 ravens


If I had any say in changing the current duck hunting regulations, I would suggest:

eliminate teal season

eliminate youth hunt

eliminate early goose season

eliminate spinning wing decoys

opener should be the first Saturday of October - noon start time

guided hunts not allowed

maximum number of guns over one decoy set - 5

one mistake hen mallard allowed, other wise drakes only 

possession limit equal to twice the daily limit 


Have been reading the daily Ducks Unlimited message board/reports posts (for Minnesota). There appears to be at least two distinct types of people who post - a) those that give a report from the field that is mostly negative on the number of birds, postulates why, and offers fixes, and b) those who call group a, whiners and other derogatory names and accuse them of being lazy hunters who don't do enough scouting. Interesting how one can see the political thinking even in a duck chat....

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Skunked on the Snow Crust Moon



Daytime highs above freezing by late afternoon.
Three days running
Creating conditions to name another moon
Anishinaabeg tradition
the snow crust moon.
This warm weather has got me on the ice
Fishing. Crappies and bluegills to fry
Perhaps a pike
always hopeful for the big pull
and no ice to clear from my holes
at least until the moon rises
dropping the day for the crust to form

Two hours of sunset effort
produces not a single bite
But then 
two coyotes yap and yap again
as if unsure to howl
And three swans with daylight riding their backs
honk and buzz overhead
heading east into the snow crust moon.

Tomorrow's morning rounds will indeed be crusty
new crunch underfoot
new season approaching
winter waning
angle increasing


Wednesday, January 20, 2021




Can I get over it now

Forget about politics for awhile

And just go back to being regular Cooo Cooo ?

Perhaps the sun will shine again soon.

Here's a little song list for inauguration day. Not too light. Turn it up. LOUD

Wind of change                Scorpions 

Do you feel like I do        Peter Frampton  (live)    

Rocky Mountain Way     Joe Walsh     

Procession                        Moody Blues      

Wearing the inside out        Floyd